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Machine Tending

Industrial Automation & Robotics

Machine Tending

Machine Tending

Machine tending is the process of automatically interacting with fabrication machines to safely and repeatably load and unload parts. Machine tending equipment is commonly found in combination with CNC machines, presses, injection molding machines, de-panel machines, and many others. In many cases, machine tending automation can be designed to tend multiple machines, accelerating return on investment. It is also common for vision guidance to be used with machine tending automation, which greatly expands the capability and functionality of the machine tending system. Adaptive’s extensive machine vision experience makes this a seamless addition to our machine tending solutions.

Fanuc Robot with tooling
Technology Vision

Machine Tending

Machine Vision

Machine vision is one of the fastest areas of evolution in sensor technology. Utilizing advancements in camera hardware, image analysis tools, deep learning software, and more, what once was considered impossible is now possible. Keeping up with the rapid advancement of these technologies can be an overwhelming and time-consuming task. The importance of connecting with the right industry partner to stay ahead of your competition is becoming more critical every day.

Adaptive utilizes advanced vision technologies for component identification, component inspection, robotic guidance, and many other applications. Our engineers are familiar with many vision brands and have experience with countless applications. Employ Adaptive’s knowledge to gain and maintain your competitive edge.

Machine Tending


Vision guidance is the utilization of machine vision to capture and provide data to robotic hardware or a machine controller. The robot or controller then make process adjustments based on the data received from the vision system. This is a very powerful tool, that greatly enhances the capabilities of robotics and machines and allows them to be much more flexible in handling varying product. Vision guidance can be used to locate key features on a part (geometric recognition), facilitating pick orientation, pick location, part identification, part alignment, and more. In many cases, this highly flexible process replaces the need for expensive hard tooling, allowing manufacturers to build a wider range of product on a common system. Nearly every automated system Adaptive builds employs vision guidance. Rely on Adaptive to take chance out of your investment.

Machine Vision